8 October 2011

Whats the stupidest thing anyone has said to you about your autoimmune arthritis.

  • JM says
    For me, when I was diagnosed with PsA. The Doc said

    "this is good news, at least you won't need any joints replacing"

    Errr...wrong.. Had a hip replaced and need elbow replacing.

    What did he know?
  • SW says
    "100% from September." Said by my headteacher in July. Err, actually it's not something I can decide on, or work harder at - caused me a whole pile of stress which led to, yep you've guessed, big flare-ups all through the summer holidays.
  • LC says 
    "It was probably because of all those drugs you took as a child for asthma..."

    In a round about way they were right - if I hadn't taken all those drugs for asthma I'd probably be dead by now so ergo no problems with ra! :-) Always look for the positive side in everything!
  • ZB says
    I just always get the 'your to young to get it' I'm 23
  • VH says
    we all get aches and pains gets me mad every time

  • SS says 
    I was told by rheumatologist "you should be grateful its just your muscles and tendons and not damaging your bones like arthritis does !" So how come i've got erosion in my spine and hands?
    and boy did he grovel when i saw him for the first time after my lungs hemmorrhaging! classic case of oh bugger i got that wrong!
  • RC says
    My GP - "glad to say you have not got RA - the test has come back negative".
     How come GPs can still not be aware that the "test" for RA is not reliable as a yes/no diagnosis aid?
  • SG says
    Before diagnosis..trying to find out what was wrong with me, I woke up to having big, hot, can't bend 'sausage toes' and limping with pain in foot & hip....was told to wear better footwear!!! There's nothing wrong!!!! See the rheumatologist but it'll just be to put your mind at rest! Since then...had both kness aspirated, on NSAIDS and Sulfasalazine....sero negative RA diagnosis. Haven't crossed paths with that doc yet....
  • TN says
    I did construction work my sister-in-law who has a desk job said " I have a pain in my shoulder but I can't afford not to work." But take sick days when she has PMS. Gotta love all thoughtful people.
  • RC says 
    It is shocking to hear all these stories - I thought my GP was a one off but it seems he is par for the course. When I next see that GP I shall let him know how I feel about the way I have been let down over the years. The suffering and the damage......but I must not dwell on that, I am now having treatment that seems to be working and my life is much improved so I don't want to look backwards BUT I will make an exception for that GP!!

  • HTB says
    i guess the stupidest thing that was said to me was first off it was all in my head....lord knows who would want to dream up the pain that ra causes? than the second thing was about my age.

  • TW says
    Most stupidest thing and unkind thing said to me was"It's because you are overweight and people who are overweight get all kinds of things.You should diet then you wouldn't suffer.".I lost weight but that person remains unkind and ignorant.
  • SJL says
    erm well it has to be my rheumatoid doctor, on crutches bad flare ups could hardly walk with screeching agony, you need to exercise more ?????
  • TMD says
    welll.... its not said to me as such but i've heard lots of people say 'the dr said i cant have a replacement cos i'm too young!' for instance my sister in law she's 58 and the dr said she cant have a hip replacement as she's too young! i think she has osteoarthritis or something like that - Def not RA or an AA. It gets on my nerves when 50-60 year olds cant have a replacement cos 'they're too young'!!!! does anyone know why they say this cos to me its crazy... why not let people enjoy their lives a little less painful while they are still young enough to ejoy it. why wait til they're 90 and cant really enjoy the benefits of it!! to me that just seems a little crazy... plus i had my first replacement when i was 18 so how can middle aged people be too young?? beats me but it really drives me mad when i hear it! lol
  • MJ says
    The worse one is "oh Ive got arthritis ", when asked what type, and is it R.A.....answers "yes, its in my finger"....when quized more, its always turns out to be O.A. WHICH IS TOATLLY DIFFERENT! But I also get your far too young to have arthritis. People havent a clue what they are talking about. Also the classic one......"but you look so well" ARGGHHH!!

  • AA says
    "Denied, Denied, Denied" You aren't sick. Even though my doctor won't let me work. The denial letters are fabulous to read. Contradictions in every paragraph. Too bad I lose.
    But I don't. I will survive.

    Lack of understanding - that is all I can say about others. Like I have said in one of my blogs (poems)
    What RA has given and taken away

    "RA has deepened friendships that take the time to understand
    and also taken away family and friends that didn't."

    Hard to do, but I had to ...

  • NM says
    I think it's the classic mis diagnosis that I think the majority of us probably had.

    In my gp's surgery there is this one laldy doctor who is a coplete cow. She blames everthing on my weight, she's one of those, you're so fat you're gonna die types. She diagnosed me with fluid on the knee's and the old favourite, frozen shoulder!!! I think everyone with RA was initially diagnosed with frozen shoulder!!!

    The reason that this is the stupidest thing that has been said to me is my prolific family history of RA!! My mum was diagnosed at 36, my grandfather at 39, and his mother had it too!?! So at 31, and this sort of history, referral to a rheumy should have been obvious.

    I no longer see that doctor, I have a fantastic GP now.
  • MJ says
    Ive learnt now not to say the word "arthritis" as everyone says..." oh Ive got that" I just say Ive got Ruematiod Disease, when asked what that is, I just answer "its an auto immune diesase", they then shut up :), Every man and his dog has it...but they dont go to Rheumatology and they are not on meds?? Mmm...Maybe they dont have it after all?

    Rant over lol ♥ x

  • GL says
    I've got a good one "I can get you sacked for having that…."

    • I have a new one…. already said about it on the wall,

      I was out one night and was talking to this woman who is a radiologist. And she said BONE GROW BACK!!

      I was flabbergasted!!

      Ive never seen someone grow back a leg or arm or finger that had been cut off!!

      Stupid Woman!

      lol J
    • JW says
      Don't worry my dear..just avoid green..don't eat it or wear it and rub this on your joints.......seriously?????

    • MJL says
      I bet the weather is affecting you?..Erm nope I dont go rusty!

      Oh you look so well...nope thats just the steroid glow!!

      Dianosed at 21, after a couple of years of oh your too young, I now just say nothing or I have a auto immune disease.

      Apart from you folks I think people who understand are very few and far between, so its nice to be here ;) x


  1. when i was diagnosed my consultant told me not to worry because my R A was a division 1 or championship condition and not premiership however 7 months on I hope i don't get a promotion because i think the condition has got a lot worse not better.

  2. I swapped consultants last year and the second one I went to told me he was taking me off sulfasalazine as I didn't have arthritits, I was too young!
    Fortunately my GP has more sense and he sent me to a different Rheumi who, after 12 xrays, told me the arthritis was far more widespread than I knew.

  3. P.S. I have psoriatic arthritis, am 44, was diagnosed only three and half years ago but apparently have had it for a lot longer as my lower spine has been fused at least all my adult life.

  4. Thank you for added to the comments.. I bet lots more people have stories to add. So sorry that we have to endure this stupidness from people, especially the ones in the medical profession... Lol.. Take care of your self Catweasle and Anthony hugs Jo x
