10 October 2011

What activity have you replaced since having an autoimmune arthritis?

  • JM says For me I used to be an exercise freak, loved step aerobics, jazz dance, etc. 
    I've replaced these with cycling. I can do this with my husband and don't feel out of place. It's no impact on my joints and great to be out in the fresh air with the wind in my hair. Well wind through my helmet..lol

  • SET says 
    i'm an outdoors freak and love to spend time with my horse, I can still do most things with her, but have recently found things not to be as easy - anything with a horse is either heavy or difficult, I used to compete a lot more but riding for more than an hour now can make me stiff and in pain. 

    I am determined not to let RA beat me and hopefully won't be giving up totally, and i do realise that i'm probably not as bad as others, but replace any length of time riding with just 'being around her' on days i'm not feeling good, accepting that this is how it is, i still find great joy from just being with her, and just do what i can - my dog also now reaps the benefits from a few more walks! :) 
  • RC says
    Ok, I found I had to give up the gym and yoga when my hands and wrists became too painful and this also made it difficult for me to continue Makaton signing, which I used with my grandson and some others. However, I am in better shape now and am wondering if pilates might be possible. I would be interested in anyone who has experience with this. Other than that I do walk on errands (shopping mostly) as much as possible and have got myself a shopping trolly (I have become my mother!). I also find the fatigue a bit of a problem, of course. I have retired and I have thrown myself into gardening and am trying to psych myself up for swimming.

  • DL says 
    I used to play golf to a high standard ( 2-3 handicapp ) its now very painfull during and extremly painfull after.....also used to snowboard but couldnt stand the pain.....i now go swimming when i get time and also am thinking of buying a mountin bike.....

  • RC says
    It is hard to find positives but it does make you broaden your experience and you, of necessity, learn to be more patient, especially with yourself! It is a hard lesson to learn. i am a bit down just now....can't find the energy to tackle the jobs around the place that accuse me every time I pass! No longer keep houseplants because of the guilt when I can't do well for them. Great excuse for catching up with years of fiction reading, though! i am ticking off the list at a great rate.
  • SW says
    I'm so with you on the horse issue. Am really hoping to be able to get back to regular riding but curse the loss of energy, and also all those fiddly little buckles. My horse is quite happy standing idle though, and I keep reminding 

  • JK says I loved riding, but that has now been replaced by Fly fishing... Not sure how long I can keep doing that…

  • JM says
    I've never been a massively active person but am struggling to find something I can do. Doesn't the cycling hurt your wrists and hands?

  • JM replied at the moment yes cos in a flare. It does hurt but I can cope with it cos there's not a lot of choice. But also, if you go to a good bike shop they can adjust your bike to make it the most comfortable for you (I'm not talking Halfords) I go to a bike shop in Windsor and the man that runs it help out disabled children, so I'm going to invest in a new bike soon as mine is a bit old now, and he said he will make lots of adjustments for me to make it a comfortable ride. Pop into a bike shop and have a chat. If you've got some nice places to cycle then it is so nice to be out on it

  • JM says My rheumy said once that she has a patient who can hardly walk but she cycles everywhere. Once when we were out cycling we saw a man with one leg cycling, he had a prothesis. So it's definately worth thinking about when you feel better.
    I love it cos I do it with my husband and it something we can both enjoy and be more or less at the same level.
    I've also just started Humira, so I'm hoping I will be back out on my bike soon. I did go out a few weeks ago, but triggered off a major flare in my knee. I think I was out too quick. But I'm hoping soon soon soon. 
  • CC says
    I really miss playing tennis, dancing and playing golf. I used to ski, go hill walking and was always very fit and active. My consultant suggested ping pong when I mentioned the tennis! She is not very sporty. I am using an exercise bike but it's not the same.I'm really hoping that enbrel will allow me to go back to my normal lifestyle....an eternal optimist x

    JM says Ive just started Tai Chi Sung which has been developed for people with arthritis.. really enjoying it. Very gentle, relaxing, no bending or getting on the floor. Never have to stand on one leg etc. Look out to see if you have one in your area.

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