11 July 2011

So what can we do to ease the pain, when you have taken all your meds??

Here is a list from the Ukaagies:-

Hot bath or Cold shower
Volterol cream
Pain patches... Ask your GP
Wax hand bath
Cold packs    
Wheat bags, hot water bottles
Electric blanket or heat pad
Lavender oil 
Watch your favourite Tv series on Box Set
TENS machine ... Can be purchased quite cheaply now from your local Chemist

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes

Listen to music with your headphones on.
Playing games and reading... Try to distract your mind.
Meditation, relaxation, breathing
Pain Management course 

It's worth looking into a course .. Arthritis care do them, have a look at this link.

Or speak to your GP or Rhemuatologist to see if your local hospital are doing anything.

Hope you find something useful here

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