22 June 2011

Your first Rheumatologists appointment

What to expect and what to take:-

  • Take a list of all the medications you are currently taking and the dosage and frequency (including supplements and herbs)
  • Have a list of all the areas on your body which are troubling you.
  • Take a note of how long the stiffness lasts in the morning
  • Tell them if you are suffering from fatigue 
  • Usually you also need to take a urine sample
  • Do you remember when you first noticed your symptoms?
  • Sometimes it might be good to show any photos you may have taken of swellings etc, especially if those areas are not swollen now
  • Think of how to explain how you feel.. i.e. What sort of pains? Does it ache? Is it sharp stabbing pain? Does it feel like toothache in your joints? Or brain freeze in your joints? Do you muscles and tendon hurt? Do you feel like your bones have been replaced with razor blades or knives? 

Questions to ask:-

  • What type of arthritis do you suspect I might have?
  • When should I expect to notice an improvement after I start the treatment?
  • How long would you wait to know whether the treatment is working or not?
  • If this treatment plan does not work, what would be my next option?
  • How will you monitor my progress or the possibility of adverse effects?
  • Is there anything that I should look out for or be aware of? 
  • Will I need to have regular blood tests and how often? Will it be at the hospital or at my GP surgery?
  • What else should I consider to help manage my autoimmune arthritis ? (I.e physiotherapy, exercise and joint protection)
  • Will I always be on medication? 
  • Is there any possibility of joint damage while I am waiting for the medication to start working?
  • If I have any problems or questions is there a telephone number for me to call someone at the clinic?
  • Is there anything I should not do?


    1. Thank you for posting this. I'm sure a lot of people will find it very helpful, I wish I had a list like this when I was diagnosed 10 years ago.

    2. Thank you Daisy... I do hope it does help some people :-) Jo

    3. Hi Jo, This is very helpful. I am printing this off to take to my next rheumy appointment! xx
