21 June 2011


I have been able to work for the majority of my life since diagnosis, with only long periods of sickness for operations and major flares. However, I am now on long term sick leave from work. Im lucky, my company have been very good, but at the beginning a few issues were raised. Its best to be prepared with your rights. If your registered "disabled" then you have more weight on your side to assist you in work or even to assist you giving up work. Do not look at being registered "disabled" as a tag, look at it as a benefit to help you carry on with a quality of life.

The definition of ‘disability’ under the Equality Act 2010

In the Act, a person has a disability if:
  • they have a physical or mental impairment
  • the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-to-day activities
For the purposes of the Act, these words have the following meanings:
  • 'substantial' means more than minor or trivial
  • 'long-term' means that the effect of the impairment has lasted or is likely to last for at least twelve months (there are special rules covering recurring or fluctuating conditions)
  • 'normal day-to-day activities' include everyday things like eating, washing, walking and going shopping
People who have had a disability in the past that meets this definition are also protected by the Act.

To get registered you can either apply to your local council or claim Disability Living Allowance. Speak to your GP if in doubt.

Here is a link to the NHS website:-


Now your Employers have to make reasonable adjustments to help you stay in work. So be armed with as much information as you can.

These are some good websites that will support or give advise:-







I also found this forum really helpful.. You can post your problem and someone will come back to you with specific advise.


Above all .. Don't give up

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