21 June 2011



Now people can have a love / hate relationship with Methotrexate (MTX). I was on it for years, since 1999, but I suffered badly with the side effects. Originally when taking the tablets I had very bad diarrhoea. So I switched to the injections. The injections then by-pass your stomach so should improve some of the side effects. It definitely helped with the diarrhoea but I then had really bad nausea and fatigue. I stuck with it for about 8-10 years. But then have recently changed to an ANTI TNF.

When I was taking MTX I wasn't on any support groups and had only spoken to my GP or Rheumatologist about the effects. If I'd known these tips then, I might of had a different experience. That said it really did help with my PsA and my Psoriasis.

So this is a list of TIPS which the UKAAG support group have come up with:-

Methotrexate tips to combat fatigue and nausea - Created by the Ukaagie group

1) Colpermine (slow release peppermint oil) or just natural peppermint oil from health food shops

2) Eat little and often - salty snacks are good (olives/seeds/crisps)

3) Drink plenty of fluid - lots of water throughout the day. Melons and ice lollys are a good way of getting fluids

4) Sucking aniseed sweets or mints helps with the nausea a bit

5) The anti sickness travel wrist bands are suppose to help with Chemotherapy nausea.
6) Power nap 20/30 mins. Set your alarm on your mobile phone. Rest as much as you can for the first 48 hours 

7) Anti sickness pills - metoclopramide, doneperidone

8) Eat a good hearty meal before taking the tablets- Carbs - eat three small meals of say toast, sandwich and chicken burger on a bun on following days.

9) Folic acid essential on other six days, not MTX day. 

10) Opramazole or Lanzoprazole might be a help, (take for the side effects of Anti inflammatories)

11) Proper ginger has good anti-sickness properties. Or Ginger tablets from health food shops

12) You can not get coated mtx tablets :-( Try taking with thick fruit smoothies, pushed in to ice cream etc. Iced stuff works particulary well.

13) Work on your "attitude". The nausea can start before taking  the MTX and straight afterwards 

14) Time your meds so you sleep through some of the worst time. Try to take just before you go to bed.

15) Test splitting your dose over 2 days rather than taking all in one day. But first consult with your rheumatologist if this is ok.

If you do suffer any of the side effect, speak to your GP or Rheumatologist. DO NOT suffer in silence. This drug is suppose to give you back some quality of life, so don't let it take any more away from you.

There are lots more medications they can try. So this is not the end of the line

Good Luck

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