11 July 2011

So what can we do to ease the pain, when you have taken all your meds??

Here is a list from the Ukaagies:-

Hot bath or Cold shower
Volterol cream
Pain patches... Ask your GP
Wax hand bath
Cold packs    
Wheat bags, hot water bottles
Electric blanket or heat pad
Lavender oil 
Watch your favourite Tv series on Box Set
TENS machine ... Can be purchased quite cheaply now from your local Chemist

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes

Listen to music with your headphones on.
Playing games and reading... Try to distract your mind.
Meditation, relaxation, breathing
Pain Management course 

It's worth looking into a course .. Arthritis care do them, have a look at this link.

Or speak to your GP or Rhemuatologist to see if your local hospital are doing anything.

Hope you find something useful here

1 July 2011

Going on holiday

Well its holiday season, so I thought I would add a few tips here for you to prepare for your great adventure.

If you are travelling in Europe, remember to get the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
 You can apply for this at Post Office's or On-Line. (Please see link below)


The card is valid for 5 years. And will cover you for any health problems whilst in Europe. 
Meaning if you had a accident, and was taken to the hospital and you said you had the card, but not on your person, you would be treated but privately at a cost. 
But as long as you show them your card immediately , or it is found on you then you will get treated through the equivalent "NHS".


Your medication should be packed in your hand luggage. This way if your suitcase went missing, at least you would still have your vital meds with you. It is also good to take a few days extra meds with you, just incase you have a delay.

I usually pack mine in my pill reminder boxes. They do say you should take them in the  original boxes, but I find that to be too cumbersome. But what I also do, is take my repeat prescription with me. This then proves what I have been prescribed and the dosage. It is also quite good to have this with you, just incase you needed any top up meds whilst abroad.

Needles and Pins

If you have to take syringes or PENS injections with you. These must also be in your hand luggage, and you must tell them at Check-In that you have these with you.

You need to get a letter  from you GP, Consultant or Healthcare at Home that you are carrying these injections and then you should not have any problems.

I bought a Mini Porter from Healthcare at Home to transport my syringes, it is guaranteed to keep at fridge temperature for 18 hours. Again, this is good even if you have only a short flight, because you never know about delays. It cost me £20. I was told, that the cool packs that you can buy in shops, will not guarantee keeping your meds at the correct temperature. So I thought this was a reasonable investment.


Instead on transporting your used syringes back to the UK, you can always take them to the local hospital/clinic or Pharmacy for disposal.

Here are some translations, which you could write down, if you cannot speak the language:-

Spanish - Por favor, podría disponer de mi jeringa médica
French -  S'il vous plaît pourriez-vous disposer de ma seringue médicale
German - Bitte nehmen Sie meine medizinische Spritze entsorgen
Italian - Potrebbe gentilmente smaltire la mia siringa medica
Portugese - Por favor, você poderia dispor do meu seringa médica
Polish - Proszę można pozbyć się mojego lekarza strzykawki